IN-PERSON LADIES NIGHT: 4-22:21 5pm to 8pm: Triple Chapter Open House at The Hope Chest in Skippack, PA

IN-PERSON LADIES NIGHT: 4-22:21 5pm to 8pm: Triple Chapter Open House at The Hope Chest in Skippack, PA

The Pottstown, King of Prussia and Montgomeryville Chapters are joining forces to host a fun-filled ladies night out at The Skippack Hope Chest!

Owner, Carolyn Fiore, is so excited to be hosting an open house style event including shopping, snacks and drinks.  Come ready to mingle and get to know our local Dot sisters!

Carolyn will be offering every guest 10% off, a coupon for future use and an entry into a drawing for a raffle basket filled with $150 in retail goodies!

Meeting Details

Meeting Start Date/Time 04-22-2021 5:00 pm
Meeting End Date/Time 04-22-2021 8:00 pm
Capacity Unlimited
Registered 5
Location The Hope Chest

We are no longer accepting registration for this meeting